We can’t believe it’s the end of 2023! We closed out the year with several performance updates and a few new features.
Hope you have a happy holiday season, and see you in 2024 ❄️⛄️

December Highlights:

  1. New doors and walls - make your designs feel even more real.
  1. Improved multilevel space planning - so you can do more with Hypar.
  1. Community updates - watch our latest Hypar Live & learn more in our latest blog post.

🚪 Doors and Walls 🚪 

New doors and walls help take your project to the next level of realism and empower you with more accurate area calculations.
You can define wall thickness for multiple Spaces or at the individual edge level.
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🌇 Improved Multilevel Space Planning 🌇

Our new 3D view of Spaces makes it easier to design multilevel facilities.
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💖 Community 💖

Our last Hypar Live of the year was on December 15th. You can tune into the recording here on Youtube 📹 
Speaking of Youtube, we also got a shoutout in BIM Pure’s 2023 recap. Thanks Gavin, Jeffrey, and Nicolas! 😊
And finally, to round out the year, we launched our final blog post on workplace design - check it out here.